Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Uncomplicated Firewall with Python

Uncomplicated Firewall with Python

Uncomplicated Firewall, is an interface to iptables that simplifyies the process of configuring a firewall. Iptables is flexible, it can be difficult for beginners to learn how to use it to properly configure a firewall. 

In the example below is a python program that makes it easy allowing and blocking various services by IP address. 

## Description :
## Generate ip-host binding list for a list of nodes, when internal DNS is missing.
## 1. For existing nodes, allow traffic from new nodes
## 2. For new nodes, allow traffic from all nodes
## Sample:
## python ./ufw_allow_ip.py --old_ip_list_file /tmp/old_ip_list --new_ip_list_file /tmp/new_ip_list \
## --ssh_username root --ssh_port 22 --ssh_key_file ~/.ssh/id_rsa
import os, sys
import paramiko
import argparse
# multiple threading for a list of ssh servers
import Queue
import threading
import logging
log_folder = "%s/log" % (os.path.expanduser('~'))
if os.path.exists(log_folder) is False:
log_file = "%s/%s.log" % (log_folder, os.path.basename(__file__).rstrip('\.py'))
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
def get_list_from_file(fname):
l = []
with open(fname,'r') as f:
for row in f:
row = row.strip()
if row.startswith('#') or row == '':
return l
def ufw_allow_ip_list(server_ip, ip_list, ssh_connect_args):
if len(ip_list) == 0:
print("Skip run ufw update in %s, since ip_list is empty" % (server_ip))
return("OK", "")
[ssh_username, ssh_port, ssh_key_file, key_passphrase] = ssh_connect_args
ssh_command = ""
# TODO: improve this command, by using a library
for ip in ip_list:
ssh_command = "%s && ufw allow from %s" % (ssh_command, ip)
if ssh_command.startswith(" && "):
ssh_command = ssh_command[len(" && "):]
print("Update ufw in %s. ssh_command: %s" % (server_ip, ssh_command))
output = ""
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(ssh_key_file, password=key_passphrase)
ssh.connect(server_ip, username=ssh_username, port=ssh_port, pkey=key)
stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(ssh_command)
output = "\n".join(stdout.readlines())
output = output.rstrip("\n")
print("Command output in %s: %s" % (server_ip, output))
return ("ERROR", "Unexpected on server: %s error: %s\n" % (server_ip, sys.exc_info()[0]))
return ("OK", output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# get parameters from users
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--old_ip_list_file', required=True, \
help="IP list of current cluster", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--new_ip_list_file', required=True, \
help="IP list of new nodes", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--ssh_username', required=False, default="root", \
help="Which OS user to ssh", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--ssh_port', required=False, default="22", \
help="Which port to connect sshd", type=int)
parser.add_argument('--ssh_key_file', required=False, default="%s/.ssh/id_rsa" % os.path.expanduser('~'), \
help="ssh key file to connect", type=str)
parser.add_argument('--key_passphrase', required=False, default="", \
help="Which OS user to ssh", type=str)
l = parser.parse_args()
ssh_connect_args = [l.ssh_username, l.ssh_port, l.ssh_key_file, l.key_passphrase]
old_ip_list = get_list_from_file(l.old_ip_list_file)
new_ip_list = get_list_from_file(l.new_ip_list_file)
has_error = False
# TODO: speed up this process by multiple threading
for old_ip in old_ip_list:
(status, output) = ufw_allow_ip_list(old_ip, new_ip_list, ssh_connect_args)
if status != "OK":
has_error = True
print("Error in %s. errmsg: %s" % (old_ip, output))
for new_ip in new_ip_list:
(status, output) = ufw_allow_ip_list(new_ip, new_ip_list + old_ip_list, ssh_connect_args)
if status != "OK":
has_error = True
print("Error in %s. errmsg: %s" % (new_ip, output))
if has_error is True:

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